Delivery Information

Delivery Information:

Urdu Bazar Online, an Online bookstore Pakistan, offers home delivery of books anywhere in Pakistan. Delivery of books depends on book availability - Normally, if books are available, it requires 1-2 days to deliver in Karachi and 3 to 5 days outside Karachi. For provinces like AJK, KPK, and Balochistan, it may take 4 days for delivery. 


For payment, we offer Cash On Delivery, Bank Transfer, and Easy Paisa. 

Our delivery charges are as under: 

Karachi: Rs. 200
Outside Karachi (anywhere in Pakistan): Rs.300 (for weight up to 3 kg)


Please note that for self-pickup and for all those deliveries which require self-pickup from the courier, advance shipment charges are needed. The

customer has to transfer shipping charges to process the order.